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lisa kaye


south carthay neighborhood Area representative

Lisa Kaye is a 25 year resident of South Carthay and serves as the board since 2019. She makes her home with dogs, Simon & Sugar and her many friends and family. Lisa has served the community for several years as a member of the South Carthay Neighborhood Association and was recently elected to the P.I.C.O. NC as Area Representative for South Carthay and most recently appointed as Chair of the Land Use Committee. Lisa has been a resident of South Carthay since 2000 and is passionate about serving her community in all areas that are important to the stakeholders including, maintaining the diverse quality of life represented in our neighborhoods, historic integrity, addressing the needs of our un-homed population, housing affordability and making our community safe and secure for all. Lisa is originally from Queens, NY and has a BA degree in Journalism and Media from Fordham University and a Masters in Law and Mediation from Pepperdine University.